A network of businesses interested in working with Akamihk Kanataskiy Ventures ( AKV) Ltd. and fellow businesses in promoting opportunities for revenue for each other and employment opportunities for Montana First Nation members.
Members in the network will:
- Continue to exchange and transfer knowledge to enhance their understanding and appreciation of indigenous and industry culture.
- Conduct trade shows and other activities to attract more business opportunities for the network.
- Promote each other’s businesses.
- Use each other’s services where appropriate.
- Strive to pursue a higher standard of safety and service delivery, integrity and respect for customers and employees.
- Organize regular meetings to review activities and develop strategies for growth for their businesses and the network.
- Shall give each other the best rates for services performed for and with each other.
Current AKV network members:
Dana Archibald 780-668-3366 dana.archibald@athabascaminerals.com www.athabascaminerals.com |
Dana Archibald 780-668-3366 dana.archibald@athabascaminerals.com www.athabascaminerals.com |
Mike Ames 780-293-5285 mikeam@dtl.ca www.dtl.ca |
Evan Hodge 780-396-9111 evan@hodgepressure.com www.hodgepressure.com |
Adam Hodge 780-396-9597 adam@hodgevegetationcontrol.com www.hodgevegetation.com |
Jim Moser 780-209-0475 jmoser@gcsenergy.ca www.csenergy.ca |
Jim Moser 780-209-0475 jmoser@gcsenergy.ca www.nlswelding.com |
Rose Passey Eh! Royal Flush 780-729-8333 ehroyalflush1@gmail.com www.ehroyalflush.ca |
Charles Passey 780-919-2229 arcaneindustriesinc@gmail.com |
Mike Ames 780-434-9292, 780-242-3563 mike.ames@caneil.ca www.caneil.ca |
Name of Company | Contact person | Contact No. | Contact Email | Website |
Alberta Asphalt Paving Ltd. | Billy Gervaise | 780-982-1665 | albertaashphalt@gmail.com | |
ARCANE Industries Inc. | Charles Passey | 780-919-2229 | charlespassey@hotmail.com | |
Athabasca Minerals | Dana Archibald | 780-668-3366 | dana.archibald@athabascaminerals.com | www.athabascaminerals.com |
Bulldog Energy | Richard Wagner | 780-853-0865 | richard.wagner@bdeg.ca | www.bulldogenergygroup.com |
Diversified Transportation Ltd. | Mike Ames | 780-293-5285 | mikeam@dtl.ca | www.dtl.ca |
Eh Royal Flush | Charles | 780-729-8388 | ehroyalflush1@gmail.com | www.ehroyalflush.ca |
Environmental Mats | Curtis Torhjelm | 780-287-8666 | curstic@environmats.ca | |
Ron Chazmuk | 780-622-4535 | ron@environmats.ca | ||
Syd Chazmuk | 780-622-4900 | syd@environmats.ca | ||
Green Arrow Corp. | Vicki Wetchie | 780-585-3744 | vicki@greenarrowcorp.ca | www.greenarrowcorp.ca |
GSC Energy | Jim Moser | 780-209-0475 | jmoser@gcsenergy.ca jmoser@nlswelding.com |
Hodge Pressure Services | Evan Hodge | 780-396-9111 | evan@hodgepressure.com | www.hodgepressure.com |
Hodge Vegetation Control Ltd. | Adam Hodge | 780-396-9597 | adam@hodgevegetationcontrol.com | www.hodgevegetation.com |
Corey Moore | 780-396-9744 | corey@hodgepressure.com | ||
Iconic Power Systems/ Earthworks | Gord Stifanyk | 403-891-8219 | gstifanyk@iconicpowersystems.ca | www.iconicpowersystems.ca |
Komplete Modular Solutions Ltd. | Ryan Schonauer | 403-837-2870 | ryan@komplete.ca | www.komplete.ca |
Marker Geomatics | Cody Moser, P.Eng, A.L.S., C.L.S. | 780-717-7563 | cmoser@markergeo.ca | www.markergeomaticsinc.com |
Northwind Land Resources Inc. | Jay Leendertse | 780-222-5963 780-481-9777 |
jalon.leendertse@nwlr.ca | www.nwlr.ca |
Redneck Steaming | Dev McKay | 780-307-7188 | mckdev@yahoo.ca |